What We Offer


Regional Business Liaison

Entrepreneurs With Disabilities

Export Navigator


Self Employed Program

Self Employment Services

Self Employment Services are designed to assist aspiring entrepreneurs with the information, skill development, resources, and coaching support they need to develop a business concept, prepare a business plan and launch the first year of business, while receiving EI or Living Assistance.

View infographic to learn more.

*The Self Employment program is available to participants by a referral process from WorkBC Employment Services Centres. A Case Manager at Work BC Employment Services Centres evaluates participant eligibility based on criteria and administers financial benefits.

Regional Business Liaison

Outreach Program

With the support of Northern Development Initiative Trust, Community Futures is conducting a one-year outreach program to support the Fraser-Fort George businesses as they respond to the impact of forestry policy changes and the economic downturn. 

Book an appointment

We are reaching out to businesses and non-profits in the Mackenzie, Prince George and Robson Valley areas and invite you to share your story. With your contribution, we can pinpoint services and resources to back your enterprise or non-profit and stimulate our region’s economy. Additionally, you will be supplied with a detailed report containing essential details. It is especially meaningful that your feedback and ideas will be relayed to those responsible for future planning, making sure that any future plans take into account the demands of our area.

To set up an appointment, please call the CF office at  250-562-9622  or email with the subject line “Outreach Program.” 

Regional Outreach

The team at Community Futures Fraser Fort George (CF FFG) continuously does outreach to the people, businesses and communities we serve; however, when funding is available, we are excited to ramp up our outreach services by retaining three Regional Business Liaisons to do enhance the number of connections and services provided.  We do this by hosting one part-time Reginal Business Liaison to do outreach in each of the Fraser Fort George areas: Mackenzie, Prince George and Robson Valley.

2020-2021 (extended to summer 2022):  Funding through Northern Development Initiative Trust and the receipt of Covid funding from PacifiCan enabled CF FFG to enhance our regional outreach to support the businesses and communities during the pandemic.  This was an 18-month program that provided an opportunity to provide relevant resources to the businesses and non-profits in the communities and to gather information on their needs (thus, identifying gaps in services being provided).  A robust report was generated along with a summary of this report, and community/area specific reports; all are available by request.

2023-24: Launching June 1, 2023, CF FFG is grateful to be the recipient of the 2023-24, Northern Development Initiative Trust Regional Business Liaison Grant as this will provide an opportunity to enhance our outreach across the region.  There will, once again be a part-time Regional Business Liaison placed in each of the areas (Mackenzie, Prince George and Robson Valley) and they will be tasked with providing up-to-date resources to the businesses and non-profits while engaging with these communities to understand what has changed since Covid and where there is a need to fill gaps in support and services. 

Want to connect to a Regional Business Liaison or receive the past reports?  Please send an emails request to:   be sure to include your name, outline your request and most importantly, how we can get in touch with you.

Export Navigator

Your market just got bigger.

Export Navigator’s community-based advisors provide FREE support and ongoing guidance to help your business grow outside of B.C. Whether you need export advice or help with developing export strategies and researching new markets, we are standing by to connect you with expert guidance.

Our advisors offer:

Exporting allows you to expand the horizons of your small business beyond the local market. Export Navigator’s community-based advisors provide FREE support and ongoing guidance to help your business grow outside of B.C. Whether you need export advice or help with developing export strategies and researching new markets, we are standing by to connect you with expert guidance.

Our advisors offer:

  • An export readiness assessment
  • A business readiness assessment
  • Market entry strategy support
  • Market tools and information
  • Streamlined service connections to support services

Funding provided by the Province of B.C., the Government of Canada, Small Business BC, Community Futures Organizations, and Women’s Enterprise Centre.

Why Expand Your Markets?Diversifies Your Customer Base

Expanding to new markets increases the size of your target market, may broaden your product offering, and offset seasonal fluctuations in sales.

Increases Profitability

Increased production generally leads to economies of scale and decreased cost per unit, which increases your profit margins.

Fosters Innovation

Expanding to new markets fosters innovation in your goods and services, which enhances your competitiveness.

Are you ready to sell beyond your current market?
  1. Has your company received sales inquiries from outside of British Columbia?
  2. Does your company have excess production capacity or the ability to scale operations?
  3. Is your company’s management willing to dedicate time and money to develop a new market for a sustained period of time?
  4. Is your company willing to conduct market research?
  5. Does your product or service have a competitive advantage (quality, price, innovation, etc.) over similar products in your target market?
  6. Is your company able to secure financing to adapt, ship, and market your product in your target market?
Who is eligible?

Export Navigator is open to growth-oriented small and medium-sized businesses in B.C. in select regional service areas. Businesses must be willing to commit resources to the planning process, and sustaining a market entry strategy.

Export Navigator provides services in the following regions:

Cariboo & Northeast

Cariboo: Community Futures Fraser Fort George

Northeast: Community Futures Peace Liard

Kootenay Boundary: Community Futures Central Kootenay

North Okanagan: Community Futures North Okanagan

Pacific Northwest: Community Futures Pacific Northwest

Vancouver Island North: Community Futures Alberni-Clayoquot

Vancouver Island South: Community Futures Cowichan

Specialized services are available for:

Indigenous-Owned Businesses: CFDC of Central Interior First Nations

For businesses in the Lower Mainland and those outside of the program communities, the Province’s trade professionals and its network of international Trade and Investment Representatives are available to help your business.

Email us at or visit

Frequently Asked Questions

How will Export Navigator help my business access new markets?

You’ll receive in-person guidance from an advisor with advanced knowledge in market expansion strategies. Advisors connect businesses to the services they need, saving them time and money.

How quickly do I have to start entering new markets?

Entering new markets takes time. Export Navigator’s goal is to help businesses work efficiently and effectively towards achieving their identified opportunities. Export Navigator will help you create a growth plan that works for you.

How should I prepare to be part of the program?

You’ll need to commit time and resources to the research, planning and implementation of a market growth strategy. Strong program candidates are businesses that can scale up operations, are willing to adapt, and are able to self-fund or obtain financing for a sustained expansion strategy.

Is there a fee to participate in the Export Navigator program?

No. Essential services (market entry readiness assessment, business needs assessment, etc.) are free. Clients referred to third party service providers for additional support may be subject to a fee for services.

Will my business qualify to be part of Export Navigator?

If you own a growth-oriented small or medium-sized business in B.C., the first step is to apply. You’ll be asked to complete a self-assessment and meet with an advisor to determine if your business is right for Export Navigator.

Entrepreneurs with Disabilities


The Community Futures Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program

Have a disability and a dream for a business? 

We are here to guide you to success.

Self employment can be a great way for persons with a disability or an ongoing medical condition to achieve economic inclusion. Self employment is made more manageable through flexible hours, personalized work environments and a sense of control over your future.

The Community Futures Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) provides assistance to entrepreneurs with disabilities or ongoing health conditions to start or grow their businesses.

EDP is for entrepreneurs who:

EDP is for entrepreneurs who:

Self-disclose a disability or ongoing health issue
Have a viable business idea, and have demonstrated commitment through research learning and planning
Is ready, willing and motivated to run their own business
Is creative, resourceful and ready for change
Needs additional support to overcome a barrier to entrepreneurship

EDP can provide:

Access to a network of business professionals and resources.
Business skills coaching
Business skills training

For more information on the program, contact our office today!



We are growing the Agriculture Sector in the Robson Valley.

At Community Futures Fraser-Fort George we believe that dreams, passion and a willingness to take risks builds communities and businesses, now and into the future.

Program to support Robson Valley food producers

Community Futures Fraser Fort George is continuing the program to support Robson Valley food producers in expanding their current operations by accessing new regional markets within the province.

The activities of this program connect to the renewed discussions regarding food security within the province, as well as build a more resilient and diversified economy within the Robson Valley, by linking producers to markets within, or just outside provincial borders.

Within this program we launched a Robson Valley (Albreda to Dome Creek) specific Regional Market Opportunity Analysis to:

  • Improve understanding of what markets need to be considered by the Robson Valley agriculture sector
  • Identify infrastructure challenges/gaps
  • Provide recommendations for overcoming challenges/gaps.

The Robson Valley Regional Market Opportunity Analysis report can be found in RVMOA Summary or in RVMOA_Market Analysis and Opportunities Report and Implementation Plan.

Register your business

One Stop Business Registry

Your OneStop for Business Registrations across all levels of government
OneStop lets you apply for and complete registrations for a new or existing business with local, provincial and federal governments.

What to know more?

Contact us for more information regarding any of our programs.